What's a woman to do? Reflection on Women's Services in Srila Prabhupada’s Hare Krishna Movement.

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Author: Viśākhā dāsi

Let’s be true to Srila Prabhupada’s legacy. Let’s support and find strength in one another. We are not promoting feminism, we are promoting Krishna consciousness. We don’t want women to become men; we want their talents and good qualities to be expressed and valued.

It’s Krishna’s arrangement that all of us have different strengths. When we work together, we find unity in diversity. When we fully engage all people in Krishna’s service, without discriminating based on bodily designations, all people benefit, our outreach is enhanced, and the Hare Krishna movement becomes known as the Society where each and every individual can fully blossom.

When, however, there’s no sense of equal opportunity, we end up with devotees feeling alienated and distrustful, with no faith in the leadership. Our movement is weakened and experiences a sort of universal ennui. Life in Krishna consciousness is meant to be an exhilarating adventure, but terrible damage is done when any person or group of people feel they are less, when they are discriminated against because of the body they inhabit. For the Hare Krishna movement to be vibrant and attractive, women need to be fully welcomed into it with everything they have to offer.
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