Stories told by Śrīla Prabhupāda << 20 The old man, the young boy and a donkey >>
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| And the next story is also very funny. It’s called “The old man, the young boy and a donkey”. Once there was an old man and a young boy who were traveling with a donkey. The young boy was leading the donkey and the old man was riding on it’s back. When they passed through a small village, some of the town’s people called out: “Look at this old man exploiting that poor young boy. What a rascal. That old man, he’s riding very comfortably on the back of the donkey and the poor young boy, he has to walk. Very, very bad behavior. ” So when they passed through that village the old man said to the young boy: “I think we’d better swap over, otherwise when we come to the next village, they’re going to abuse us again. So you get on the back of the donkey and I will walk.” Then they came to that village, but there they were also criticized: “Look at that selfish little boy, taking advantage of the old grandfather. The poor man has to walk while this healthy strong boy he is sitting on the back of the donkey.” When they got out of that village, then they talked again and they thought: “Well, let’s both walk. Then, certainly in the next village, they won’t criticize us.” So when they came to the next village, the people said: “Look at those two stupid people, they have a donkey, but they walk.” Then the old man concluded: “Actually it doesn’t matter what you do, people will always criticize.” That’s a fact.
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