Stories told by Śrīla Prabhupāda << 15 Hardwar Basta >>
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| Now, the next one, I find very humorous. Long, long ago a student took his final examination in the school. One of the questions that he had to answer was about the reign of one Indian king, whose name was Hardwar Basta. The student could not remember anything about Hardwar Basta, but it was an essay question, so he had to write the whole paragraph about Hardwar Basta. What he thought he would do is just to make up big words, big sounding words and write an essay about Hardwar Basta in that way. This is what he wrote, when Srila Prabhupada was telling the story, he spoke these words. Everyone was very surprised when Prabhupada was talking these words. “Hardwar Basta was a dobendi lectulise by the plactony of tsinda”. And he filled up the whole page like that. The examiner could understand that this boy had simply manufactured words, but he saw this also requires intelligence so he gave him a passing mark.
| | The moral is that in the similar way, many books are published that are manufactured only out of nonsense, but because it takes some intelligence to juggle words in this way, people think that these books are very valuable. Actually people think like that, there is a big book and when they opened it up, they can’t understand what it says. But everybody says “this is such a nice book, there are so many wise words in this book” and when anybody reads it, their mind just becomes puzzled “what does it mean?”
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