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<< VERSE 5 >>

तस्यां प्रपीड्यमानायामभिमानी पुरञ्जन: ।
अवापोरुविधांस्तापान् कुटुम्बी ममताकुल: ॥ ५ ॥

tasyāṁ prapīḍyamānāyām
abhimānī purañjanaḥ
avāporu-vidhāṁs tāpān
kuṭumbī mamatākulaḥ



When the city was thus endangered by the soldiers and Kālakanyā, King Purañjana, being overly absorbed in affection for his family, was placed in difficulty by the attack of Yavana-rāja and Kālakanyā.


The body has nine gates: the two eyes, two nostrils, two ears, mouth, rectum and genitals. When one is harassed by the invalidity of old age, various diseases manifest at the gates of the body. For example, the eyes become so dim that one requires spectacles, and the ears become too weak to hear directly, and therefore one requires hearing aids. The nostrils are blocked by mucus, and one has to always sniff a medicinal bottle containing ammonia. Similarly, the mouth, too weak to chew, requires false teeth. The rectum also gives one trouble, and the evacuation process becomes difficult. Sometimes one has to take enemas and sometimes use a surgical nozzle to accelerate the passing of urine. In this way the city of Purañjana was attacked at various gates by the soldiers. Thus in old age all the gates of the body are blocked by so many diseases, and one has to take help from so many medicines and surgical appliances.

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