<< Canto 4, The Creation of the Fourth Order >> << 25 - The Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Purañjana >>
<< VERSE 50 >>
पितृहूर्नृप पुर्या द्वार्दक्षिणेन पुरञ्जन: । राष्ट्रं दक्षिणपञ्चालं याति श्रुतधरान्वित: ॥ ५० ॥
pitṛhūr nṛpa puryā dvār dakṣiṇena purañjanaḥ rāṣṭraṁ dakṣiṇa-pañcālaṁ yāti śrutadharānvitaḥ
| The southern gate of the city was known as Pitṛhū, and through that gate King Purañjana used to visit the city named Dakṣiṇa-pañcāla, accompanied by his friend Śrutadhara.
| The right ear is used for karma-kāṇḍīya, or fruitive activities. As long as one is attached to the enjoyment of material resources, he hears from the right ear and uses the five senses to elevate himself to the higher planetary systems like Pitṛloka. Consequently, the right ear is here described as the Pitṛhū gate.
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