
<< Canto 3, The Status Quo >>
<< 14 - Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening >>

<< VERSE 27 >>

यस्यानवद्याचरितं मनीषिणो गृणन्त्यविद्यापटलं बिभित्सवः
निरस्तसाम्यातिशयोऽपि यत्स्वयं पिशाचचर्यामचरद्गतिः सताम्

yasyānavadyācaritaṁ manīṣiṇo
gṛṇanty avidyā-paṭalaṁ bibhitsavaḥ
nirasta-sāmyātiśayo ’pi yat svayaṁ
piśāca-caryām acarad gatiḥ satām


yasya — whose; anavadya — unimpeachable; ācaritam — character; manīṣiṇaḥ — great sages; gṛṇanti — follow; avidyā — nescience; paṭalam — mass; bibhitsavaḥ — desiring to dismantle; nirasta — nullified; sāmya — equality; atiśayaḥ — greatness; api — in spite of; yat — as; svayam — personally; piśāca — devil; caryām — activities; acarat — performed; gatiḥ — destination; satām — of the devotees of the Lord.;


Although no one in the material world is equal to or greater than Lord Śiva, and although his unimpeachable character is followed by great souls to dismantle the mass of nescience, he nevertheless remains as if a devil to give salvation to all devotees of the Lord.


Lord Śiva’s uncivilized, devilish characteristics are never abominable because he teaches the sincere devotees of the Lord how to practice detachment from material enjoyment. He is called Mahādeva, or the greatest of all demigods, and no one is equal to or greater than him in the material world. He is almost equal with Lord Viṣṇu. Although he always associates with Māyā, Durgā, he is above the reactionary stage of the three modes of material nature, and although he is in charge of devilish characters in the mode of ignorance, he is not affected by such association.

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