
<< Canto 10, The Summum Bonum >>
<< 83 - Draupadī Meets the Queens of Kṛṣṇa >>

<< VERSE 38 >>



With devotion he presented the perfectly complete Lord with a number of maidservants bedecked with precious ornaments. Accompanying these maidservants were guards walking on foot and others riding elephants, chariots and horses. He also gave the Lord extremely valuable weapons.


The Supreme Lord is pūrṇa, perfect and complete in Himself. He requires nothing for His satisfaction. Knowing this, a pure devotee makes offerings to the Lord only out of love, bhaktitaḥ, with no expectation of material profit. And on His part, the Lord happily accepts even a small gift of flowers, tulasī leaves and water when it has been offered in love.

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