
<< Canto 10, The Summum Bonum >>
<< 53 - Kṛṣṇa Kidnaps Rukmiṇī >>

<< VERSE 8-9 >>



The king had the main avenues, commercial roads and intersections thoroughly cleaned and then sprinkled with water, and he also had the city decorated with triumphant archways and multicolored banners on poles. The men and women of the city, arrayed in spotless raiment and anointed with fragrant sandalwood paste, wore precious necklaces, flower garlands and jeweled ornaments, and their opulent homes were filled with the aroma of aguru.


When earthen roads are sprinkled with water, the dust settles down and the road becomes smooth and firm. King Bhīṣmaka thoroughly prepared for the great wedding, setting the scene for Lord Kṛṣṇa’s triumphant abduction of beautiful Rukmiṇī-devī.

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