<< Canto 1, Creation >> << 7 - The Son of Droṇa Punished >>
<< VERSE 51 >>
तत्राहामर्षितो भीमस्तस्य श्रेयान्वधः स्मृतः न भर्तुर्नात्मनश्चार्थे योऽहन्सुप्तान्शिशून्वृथा
tatrāhāmarṣito bhīmas tasya śreyān vadhaḥ smṛtaḥ na bhartur nātmanaś cārthe yo ’han suptān śiśūn vṛthā
tatra thereupon; āha said; amarṣitaḥ in an angry mood; bhīmaḥ Bhīma; tasya his; śreyān ultimate good; vadhaḥ killing; smṛtaḥ recorded; na not; bhartuḥ of the master; na nor; ātmanaḥ of his own self; ca and; arthe for the sake of; yaḥ one who; ahan killed; suptān sleeping; śiśūn children; vṛthā without purpose;
| Bhīma, however, angrily disagreed with them and recommended killing this culprit, who had murdered sleeping children for no purpose and for neither his nor his master’s interest.
| This verse has not Bhaktivedanta Purport.
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