<< Canto 1, Creation >> << 7 - The Son of Droṇa Punished >>
<< VERSE 15 >>
माता शिशूनां निधनं सुतानां निशम्य घोरं परितप्यमाना तदारुदद्वाष्पकलाकुलाक्षी तां सान्त्वयन्नाह किरीटमाली
mātā śiśūnāṁ nidhanaṁ sutānāṁ niśamya ghoraṁ paritapyamānā tadārudad vāṣpa-kalākulākṣī tāṁ sāntvayann āha kirīṭamālī
mātā the mother; śiśūnām of the children; nidhanam massacre; sutānām of the sons; niśamya after hearing; ghoram ghastly; paritapyamānā lamenting; tadā at that time; arudat began to cry; vāṣpa-kala-ākula-akṣī with tears in the eyes; tām her; sāntvayan pacifying; āha said; kirīṭamālī Arjuna;
| Draupadī, the mother of the five children of the Pāṇḍavas, after hearing of the massacre of her sons, began to cry in distress with eyes full of tears. Trying to pacify her in her great loss, Arjuna spoke to her thus:
| This verse has not Bhaktivedanta Purport.
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